Interview Questions

Thursday, March 22, 2018

How to use ternary operator in ax 2012

Hi All,

As we all know that we in some scenarios we need to use Ternary operator for reducing code lines. In a single line we can execute multiple cases.
For achieving this, please go through with below code.

Sample Job for ternary operator:

static void GOD_TernaryOperatorEx(Args _args)
    int a, b, c;

    a = 9;
    c = 8; 
    b = (a < 10 ) ? info ("Yes") : info ("No");
   In above line of code we are executing single condition or in other word we can say "If" Condition.
   In this condition we are just testing that "A is greater than 10 or not. If it is, then it will generate       info with "Yes"".


    b = (a < 10 ) ? ((a < c) ? info ("Yes") : info ("Nope")) : info ("No");
   In above line of code we are executing multiple conditions or in other word we can say "If and else if" Condition.
   In this condition we are testing that "A is greater than 10 or not. If it is not then it will print No, else it will again check that A is greater than "C" or not. If yes then it will print Yes else it will show Nope.